guanella comprehensive area plan

Female employee in the work area

In December 2022, applicant PDC Energy gained approval from the COGCC for the Guanella Comprehensive Area Plan, encompassing more than 50 square miles within Weld County. Chevron acquired PDC Energy in August 2023. Over the next decade, Chevron will develop up to 466 wells on 22 pads throughout the geographic area. This plan will utilize state of the art technologies, and Chevron will continue working with state and local regulators to develop the Guanella CAP and maintain ongoing conversation with our community members.

The comprehensive area plan is designed to ensure the safe, comprehensive, and efficient development and operation of oil and natural gas resources with Chevron as the sole operator. The Guanella CAP provides a way for Chevron to modernize and minimize the footprint of future development in Weld County.

For landowners in this area, the greatest benefit of streamlined development like the CAP is the minimized footprint with modernized tankless facility development, including removing legacy wells and associated facilities.

Additional benefits of comprehensive area planning include:

  • Electric drilling rigs and production equipment
  • Tankless development – all fluids (oil, natural gas and produced water) will be transported by pipeline infrastructure
  • Reduced number of truck trips required
  • Opportunity to plug and reclaim up to 576 legacy wells and associated facilities. Since 2016, we have plugged and removed an average of 500 wells per year. We anticipate continuing to plug and remove an average of 500 wells per year in Colorado for the next three years
  • Continuous noise monitoring
  • Continuous air monitoring
  • Real-time leak detection at our facilities utilizing infrared cameras in conjunction with artificial intelligence

guanella development schedule updates

pad name OGDP update
Bypass Cameron 1 Construction expected Q1 2024
Windom Cameron 2 Plans have passed completeness determination, awaiting approval
Booth State
Bona State Pad
Bona State Facility
Blackburn Federal Raton Submit plans to state agency (ECMC) by end of 2023


What does Guanella mean?

  • This project is named after Guanella Pass, a high mountain pass in central Colorado, located in southwestern Clear Creek County.

Why develop a CAP? What is the benefit?

  • A comprehensive plan is a type of permit that encompasses a larger area of land, which will be developed in sections over the greater part of a decade. The benefit to such a large-scale look at development is that it allows a company to create plans for comprehensive protection of community and environment. It also means that we can engage with communities earlier and get feedback, answer questions and concerns.

Where can I find updates for work near my property?

  • We will regularly post updates on this page for work in the Guanella CAP area. Please do not hesitate to call us with any questions at (303) 318-6100 or email

How can I learn more about the Guanella CAP?

community outreach

For more information on the oil and gas development process in Colorado, please visit the Coloradans for Responsible Energy Development (CRED) website here.