colorado youth outdoors

Chevron has partnered with Colorado Youth Outdoors (CYO) since 2015. Over the course of our partnership, we have supported CYO through donations, mentoring and annual volunteer projects to improve CYO’s outdoor recreational areas and facilities.
Bob Hewson, CEO and President of CYO, said that the first gifts that we shared with CYO were our employees who carved out time to mentor and support a group of teens who were looking for buddies in the program.
Through our donations and employee volunteer program, we have also provided $100,000 to the Colorado Youth Outdoors education wing. Volunteer projects include:
- Building fencing and planting trees and shrubs to help reestablish vegetation following the widening of Highway I-25 that runs adjacent to CYO’s outdoor recreational area.
- Designing and constructing a 1,300-square-foot maintenance and storage facility using repurposed materials
- Constructing a 500-square-foot archery tower, platform and storage
- Clearing 1 mile of noxious weeds and unwanted vegetation for a mulch-topped nature trail
- Establishing several half-mile runs of tree irrigation
- Planting more than 1,500 trees and shrubs